Wondering how to learn Wing Chun at home? Or even how to learn Wing Chun at home for free? You can sign up to the free video series on this website and access a daily free video covering the first Wing Chun hand pattern in detail.
Can you learn Wing Chun online? There are definitely some aspects of Wing Chun which you can learn at home. Of course, Wing Chun is a martial art and you can’t learn to be an effective martial artist without direct hand to hand experience with a time-served instructor.
But you can learn some of the more technical aspects of the system such as forms, turns, stepping and hand movements. Putting them into practice in a combat situation requires some actual hands on training. But if you’re unable to train in a school or with an instructor, you can get started with some simple hand patterns and home based drills.
How To Learn Wing Chun At Home
In the free video series offered on this site you will be able to learn, step by step the first hand pattern – Siu Lim Tao (or Siu Nim Tao). This is the very first hand pattern a student will learn when being taught Wing Chun. In it you will find the main principles of the Wing Chun system:

- Hand positioning
- Use of energy to generate inch power
- Use of relaxation to move more economically
- Basic stance and sinking your energy
- Block and counter moves
- Use of range and distancing
- limits of structure and positions
Learn Wing Chun At Home
The first form is not meant as a fighting system by itself. It’s more of a blueprint of the main elements and principles of the Wing Chun system. It also has a number of health benefits too:
- Wrist stretches to help blood flow, dexterity and suppleness
- Focusing the mind (during 1st section)
- Mind and body connection (quietening the mind)
- Exercising the whole body
- Learning to let go of tension in the body (and mind)

So at first glance it seems like nothing much. But if you delve into the finer elements of Siu Lim Tao it can be a great teacher. Regular practice can help you learn:
- Use of energy – when to use it and when to relax
- Sinking your energy and centre of gravity
- Calming your mind
- Focusing directly ahead
- Becoming more aware of your energy
Learning Wing Chun At Home For Free
You can start learning Wing Chun from home by accessing the free Wing Chun training videos on this website.
Siu Lim Tao should be practiced very slowly (first section). This is to allow you to digest the positions and get more comfortable with focusing your mind on your body. You’ll also be “teaching” your body to do what you tell it, rather than allowing it to do what it unconsciously wants to do!
At first this can be challenging. Similarly to meditation, Siu Lim Tao is a meditative exercise; particularly the first section. Without a focused mind, which is concentrating on what you are doing, you won’t be doing the form correctly.

As you begin practice, you may find your mind wandering. Focusing your mind is therefore one of the main hidden elements of the siu lim tao practice.
Initially, you’ll be simply learning a new hand pattern. One you have learned the basic moves, keep returning to the form to develop a deeper understanding of it.
For more information on learning first form see wing chun first form step by step and sign up to the free video series on this website.