Keeping Calm Is Your Superpower!

One of the things I’ve taken from studying Wing Chun is to remain calm in adversity. In chi sau, losing your temper or reacting with aggression is something your partner can use against you, particularly if you flare up when getting hit! It also doesn’t...

Can You REALLY Learn Wing Chun Online?

Can you really learn Wing Chun online? Wing Chun uses a sensory based reflex training within its chi sau training tool. It gives the practitioner exceptionally fast reflexes which respond to contact based stimulus. Real live training with an experienced practitioner...

Wu Wei – Effortless Effort

I latched on to Wu Wei when I was in my 20’s but got it wrong. Well slightly. I knew it meant effortless flow, but also assimilated it with meaning being a little bit lazy! I walked around in a zen state thinking this was what Wu Wei meant. I meditated a lot and...

Breaking timing in your forms

The forms are a great way to learn the various aspects of Wing Chun. Since March 2020, our school at has been put in lockdown, with only a brief return before another lockdown in September. So we have taken the time to study forms in more depth...

Why Learn First Form (Siu Lim Tao)

Why learn first form? Since lockdown 2020, more people have been trapped in their homes than ever. This brings a number of problems with it including frustrations and anxiety. The first hand pattern of the Wing Chun system has a number of benefits besides learning the...