Why learn first form? Since lockdown 2020, more people have been trapped in their homes than ever. This brings a number of problems with it including frustrations and anxiety. The first hand pattern of the Wing Chun system has a number of benefits besides learning the fundamental “blueprint” of the martial art Wing Chun kung fu. For starters you are training a strong, solid stance. By sitting in the Siu Lim Tao stance for 5 minutes at first and then gradually extending this time period, you’ll start to feel your legs shake.

Benefit #1 – Exercise
That’s because you’re not used to training your legs in this way. The leg muscles are some of the largest in the human body and include the Gluteus Maximus and the Quadracepts – Quadriceps are the largest group of muscles in the body. Quadracepts, hamstrings glutes and calves are all getting hit when you practice Siu Lim Tao.
Exercise is known to be of far greater benefit for mental well being than the most powerful drugs. But when we get stressed, anxious or depressed, the last thing we think of doing is exercise. Once we are in a negative state, and/or have been for some time, it becomes ever harder to exercise. By making a habit out of practicing Siu Lim Tao (first form) daily, you can vastly improve your mental and physical health.
Read this article on the mental health benefits of exercise. It shouldn’t come as a shock but it’s surprising how many people neglect their health, getting caught up in their busy lives. Over time this has a compounding effect which can be altered significantly with a simple daily routine of exercise.
Benefit #2 – Mindfulness/Meditation
Another huge benefit which Siu Lim Tao has is the mindfulness aspect of the hand pattern. When performing section 1 of the form (see wing chun first form step by step), you are focusing the mind on what you are doing and should really concentrate. This has huge implications on mental health alone and aspects beyond simply building internal strength and coordination for use in the martial aspect of the Wing Chun system.

Meditation can produce a deep state of relaxation and a tranquil mind.
During meditation, you focus your attention and eliminate the stream of jumbled thoughts that may be crowding your mind and causing stress. This process results in enhanced physical and emotional well-being, reduces stress and promotes mental well-being. See benefits of meditation for more on this.
Benefit #3 Of Learning Wing Chun First Form
Learning any new skill has been linked with reducing stress and boredom, improved self esteem and breaking us out of our normal every day patterns of behaviour. Continuing your education and working at something you love are the two most beneficial ways to treat mental health issues like depression and anxiety.
Learning something new has been shown to change brain development too and can help socially by connecting with others too. Even though working too much can leave negative consequences to people’s mental health, a healthy amount of work is very beneficial and learning various things is connected to reduction of dementia, depression, anxiety and loneliness.
See how learning and working help improve mental health. This is particularly important right now what with the stress of the global situation while many are either out of work, or working from home juggling busy family life.
Benefit #4 Of Learning Wing Chun First Form (A convenient portable “Gym”)

I’ve personally used Siu lim Tao as my personal “swiss army gym” for many years and found it to be incredibly helpful in terms of mental and physical health. What’s great about the Wing Chun system is that it is very practical. Wing Chun relies on simple straight forward strikes, centreline theory and low kicks. It’s not at all flashy or flamboyant. You see this in the first hand pattern of the system too. In Siu Lim Tao, you don’t step, turn or move your “base”. It’s a static form and the only things to move are the arms.
This also makes it a very easy form to drill wherever you are, particularly during lockdown when gyms are closed! You can learn the Wing Chun first form even in a tiny office, in your spare room or even in a phonebox! Once you’ve learned the first form, take it with you everywhere and drill it whenever you like!
Benefit #5 Of Learning The First Form
Whether you’re a martial arts enthusiast or not, the first form is a deceptively simply looking hand pattern with a number of martial applications and principles. To the untrained eye, it looks rather too simple. But the Siu Lim Tao hand pattern contains the entire Wing Chun system, at least in theory (and if you know where to look). Simple wrist stretches are building up strength and agility in the wrists, and helping the circulation. Punches are seen in the form as well as the centreline theories and principles. Just the stance alone when practiced regularly will help you lower of your centre of gravity and develop a ground routed-ness which will help you “stick” to the ground.
There’s several benefits of this such as making it difficult for an opponent to move you and developing force from the ground using the stance. The second section is teaching use of explosive energy. If you’re a Bruce Lee fan, this is something he was known for and which came from Wing Chun. In the third section you see both explosive energy and attack and defence combinations which are very practical.
Learn the first form through the free video series here. Or see first form step by step in pictures here.
You can also join the live sessions here and learn step by step through Zoom classes live. These sessions are suitable for complete beginners.