I decided to offer a Wing Chun Online Course free of charge since I was giving it to my students to help them in their training. I offer a free 5 day video series which contains the first form which I teach in my Wing Chun class near Leeds in the UK.

The course is broken down into 5 short videos which are designed to be digested over a number of weeks. My students get a video each week to help them progress and learn the form. I decided to offer the same course daily, so you can get through it more quickly.

However, it’s better if you can learn each part of the course slowly, and digest it properly before moving on to the next part. Since there’s only 5 videos, if you spend a week on each section, learning a video a week, you should have it down within 5 weeks, depending on how much time you have.

Access the course here.

Wing Chun Online Course Free – What You’ll Learn

Siu Lim Tao, or “the way of the little idea”, is the first form you’ll learn in Wing Chun Kung Fu. In it you’ll find the entire system broken down into a “blueprint”. In theory, the whole of the Wing Chun system is contained within the first hand pattern, if you understand it deeply enough.

The first section deals with developing elbow energy – building an internal strength which is powerful, yet relaxed too. Once you have practiced the form many times, you should begin to feel the power behind this idea. You are also training your mind to be relaxed too. When you are relaxed, you make better choices than when you are nervous, excited or tense. A relaxed state of mind is beneficial for Wing Chun practice. When you are tense mentally, this tension becomes physical too. So relaxation is key to learning Wing Chun properly.

Wing Chun Online Course Free – Second Section

The second section of the first form deals with breaking out of potential arm locks or holds and using explosive energy. Again, relaxation is key to generating explosive energy. Without relaxation, your arms are going to be tense. When you are tense, you move while holding on to muscle tension and this slows down each movement. With relaxation, you can move more quickly and efficiently between positions and “explode” energy on the end of your techniques.

If you’re a Bruce Lee fan, you can see how he used explosive energy in many of his films. The one inch punch, which Bruce Lee made famous, comes from Wing Chun. Although in the video above, you can see Bruce Lee using his whole body to add power to the punch, the second section of the first form contains the specific hand/arm movement and use of force, to understand the generation of explosive energy.

Wing Chun Online Course Free – Third Section

The third section of Siu Lim Tao deals with block and counter techniques, use of energy and explosive energy too. You could say it is the combination of use of energy which you learn in the first two sections combined with block and counter techniques. You are also learning the limit of your movements throughout the forms too.

When you practice chi sau (sticky hands), your hands and arms will often reach beyond the boundaries set by the first form. You will do this naturally as you start to learn how to play the game of chi sau. However, this is a mistake and ideally you should stick to the “rules” set within the forms. As you continue to drill the forms, your positions should tighten up and this overcommitment should be remedied with continued practice of both the forms and chi sau.

learn wing chun online course free

You can access the siu lim tao wing chun online course free here.

Chum Kiu – Second Form

Once you’ve received the free video series covering First Form with detailed notes, you’ll be receiving videos detailing punches, turns and then on to Wing Chun’s second form Chum Kiu.

Chum Kiu incorporates turns and steps and you’ll also be learning to use the body and arms simultaneously. In the first section of Chum Kiu you’ll be learning turns. The second & third sections teach you to move while maintaining the centreline and the maximum extent of the arm positions in any given circumstance.

Chum Kiu means “searching for the bridge”. In Chum Kiu you are learning techniques which will bridge the gap between you and your opponent. This can be a connection to their attacking arm or a direct attack to their body (as in the case of kicks).

Access Wing Chun Online Course Free

You can access the free online course by signing up to the video series here.