Are you looking for online Kung Fu Classes? Access a free video series and learn the basic movements of Wing Chun Kung Fu from home. Wing Chun kung Fu is a simple and direct martial art based on conservation on energy and minimum movement. It focused on low kicks and short range punches and strikes.

The above simple diagram shows some of the main principles of Wing Chun Kung Fu and the 3 main centrelines.
- The Say “M” Seen – centreline
- The Jik Seen – Straight Line
- Chung Sum Seen – Central Heart line
The Say “M” Seen connects both yours and your attackers/partners centreline. The straight line running down from the top of your head through your tail bone is known as the Jik Seen – Straight line. The main targets of the body run through the Chung Sum Seem (Central heart line). All attacks are made down the Say “M” Seen towards the Chun Sum Seen and into the Jik Seen.
Online Kung Fu Classes – The Say “M” Seen
The Say “M” seen is the line connecting yours and your attackers Jik Seen. If you attack down this line not only will you reach your target faster than by going around in a circular manner, but you’ll also contact any opposing attacks travelling down this same line. Therefore you’ll either counter a fast attack or land a strike faster than your opponent can.
Chung Sum Seen
The Chung Sum Seen is the central heart line. For an attack to be effective it needs to do as much damage as possible. Hitting to the side of your opponents body reduces the impact due to rotation. If you strike to the Chung Sum Seen, the line down their middle, they must take the full force of the blow. In addition, most of the vulnerable areas are down this line: the heart, eyes, chin, throat, solar plexus and groin. Striking down this line also means you can control the fastest attacking line in a fight by controlling the Say “M” Seen.

The Jik Seen
The Jik Seen is the imaginary line running down the centre of yours and that of your opponent from the top of your head to the tail bone. This line is where we strike towards. At any given time, one person or another has an advantage relating to this line according to their body positioning. To control this line in a short range bout means keeping both shoulders square facing your attacker. Should you face off at any time, and lose this line, the other person is said to have “centreline advantage”. In Wing Chun terms this means they theoretically would gain an advantage and win control in chi sau – sticky hands practice.
Kung Fu Online Classes – Centrelines
The Kung Fu Online Classes offered in this free video series offer a detailed break down of the basic hand patterns First Form (Siu Lim Tao) and Chum Kiu (Second Form).
Both forms offer a blueprint of the Wing Chun system with hidden detail of the style within the movements. As you’ll see while learning the patterns, your centreline is central. In first form you won’t move out of your stance and all movements are made using only the arms and hands.
In second form you’ll start moving the body using turning and stepping techniques while maintaining an understanding of where centreline is according to your direction of attack.

Access online kung fu classes here.