3rd Video in The Series
Part 3 Of The Siu Lim Tao Series
Have you been practicing?! Practice with each video every day for a week if you can. Then you will have learned this form by the end of 6 weeks.
This video covers the previous parts and the entire first section of the form. The first section of Siu Lim Tao covers your basic positions. Practicing chi sau in class is where you will learn how these positions are put into practice.
Basic Positions
Tan Sau – Palm Up hand or ‘Dispersing hand’. After your punches and center line check this is the very first position you will do in your first form. Push out the position from the elbow, keeping relaxed as you do so. When your elbow is between 1 and 2 fist distances away from your chest, rotate the hand round into wu sau position and allow the elbow to drift out.
Draw back to the body from the elbow into the back hand position. Relax the hand into fok sau (bridging arm position) and push forwards drifting the elbow into your center line as you do so. Do the same at the end of the fok sau position and perform 2 more fok sau movements. This section of the form ends with an inside pak sau, draw the hand back to center, and strike forwards with a straight palm. Don’t lock the arm with any strikes. After the palm strike, lock out the arm and do the wrist stretch exercise.
The section should be performed relaxed, not tense. Only apply energy at the end of explosive techniques and never lock the arm on a strike.